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Sunday, 20 November 2011


Spirits sink as the high, insistent, familiar, complaining voice of invisible wife whines out from the kitchen window next door and as I return from the rubbish run spirits droop ever downward. Henry is plodding along the road with Rover the alsatian...followed by...invisible wife with new Russian boyfriend. His only sign of nerves being a cigarette cupped in the palm of his hand behind his back...the boyfriend, that is. This is not good. After her several attempts of sending round "ladies of the night" to tempt Henry into something he might not want produced as photographic evidence for impending divorce...she has wheezled (I don't care how you spell it) her way back into his house...which accounts for all the shouting earlier. Oh...and it looks like rain.
Click on pic to enlarge if you have nothing else to do.


ElizT said...

Poor Henry.
Though it seems too good to be true; you could have an ancient widow living quietly next door.

Anonymous said...

It does indeed look like rain. But not like rats. Probably a good thing.
The story of the invisible wife gets more and more fascinating every time!

Jess said...

You do live near some very interesting people don't you?! It's dark and dismal here too. Shall I try shouting to make the sun come out? ;o)
Jess xx

Rosie said...

purpletree:Pretty scarey people actually, ha, ha. Please feel free to shout:-)